BePOSITIVE puts jobs and training at the core of the 2023 edition!

Major challenges tackled by the first BePOSITIVE Campus
The energy transition is under way! Boosted by European commitments and environmental regulations, the event is, more than ever, central to the current events and challenges in the energy and building sectors. These are now seeing the emergence of new markets and business activities which make recruitment and skills development central to business strategies – and therefore the 2023 BePOSITIVE trade show.
Training, one of the five strategic themes of the France 2030 plan – with dedicated funding of 2.5 billion euros, is therefore one of the challenges that players in these sectors have to meet. In the construction sector, for example, the challenge is to increase the skills of the 1.342 million professionals working in it and to raise awareness of new sustainable construction practices and energy-efficiency upgrades among the 150,000 new entrants each year.
The challenge is therefore ambitious but essential: to train young people in new disciplines, upskill professionals working in the sector, make the energy transition's disciplines attractive, and support employees in retraining.
To address these major issues, the trade show offers the BePOSITIVE Campus: a space dedicated to employment and training, with the participation of specialised training centres, and companies and professionals looking for employment or training, who can share their needs and opportunities.
The BePOSITIVE trade show follows market developments, something that translates into strong positions and commitments aimed at supporting the energy and building sectors.Employment and training issues are nothing new for these sectors – they have already been widely addressed at previous trade shows. But the economic, political and energy contexts make the issues all the more important.We have therefore continued our commitment to them by creating the first BePOSITIVE Campus, with the aim of making connections for employees seeking to develop their expertise and skills.With some ten training organisations attending and numerous jobs on offer, the Campus will promote the sector’s disciplines, facilitate recruitment and access to training, and support skills development.”
Florence Rousson Mompo, GreenTech+ divisional manager
The BePOSITIVE Campus: a space that meets the challenges of training and employment for the building and energy sectors
To facilitate meetings between training centres, students and professionals who want to develop their skills, but also interviews between recruiters and job seekers, the BePOSITIVE Campus will be organised into two distinct spaces:
The “Mur de l’emploi” (“The Job Wall”), which will enable job seekers to consult the recruitment opportunities offered by exhibitors. They will be able to leave their CVs, which will be passed on to recruiters. This space has been created in partnership with Actu-Environnement and Emploi-Environnement.
- “L’espace formation” (The Training Area), which, this year, will bring together about ten training centres, all from the energy and building sectors, who offer continuous professional development or initial training. They will be attending to inform, advise and support students and/or professionals looking for training, but also to present possible opportunities and new degree courses, as well as the ways to access them.
The training centres attending include:
- MOOC Bâtiment Durable
- La Solive
Energy-efficiency upgrades: new job and career prospects
Energy efficiency upgrades are a priority fir a number of reasons: environmental, social and economic - with the creation of thousands of jobs, the emergence of new disciplines and the revitalisation of a sector. This gives rise to new openings and careere prospects, as recruitment needs change according to economic conditions. These new markets need new skills to be acquired and a comprehensive understanding of both environemental and energy issues. ADEME (The French Agency for Ecological Transition) estimates that the energy transition will generate a positive balance of 540,000 additional jobs (in FTEs) by 2030 – a figure that could reach 1 million by 2050.
Among the new disciplines recruiting are energy efficiency engineers, low-carbon engineers and data engineers. SERCE, the trade body for energy and digital transition companies, highlights three other profiles being sought by the market: photovoltaic installer, HVAC engineer and energy engineer.
Aside from these new disciplines, upskilling in the area of energy efficiency is becoming an advantage for professionals and job seekers. According to a 2022 study by Pôle Emploi (a French recruitment and training site), “4 out of 10 employers consider that having been trained in environmental transition issues is an asset when it comes to being recruited”.
With the tensions present in some disciplines, recruitment criteria are changing. Jean-Philippe Burtin, director of Borea (a French recruitment agency), has seen this over the past few months. With a specialism in renewable energies, he observes that “while, until recently, recruitment was based on qualifications and experience, skills and potential have now become essential”.
Feedback on BePOSITIVE 2021, an event already in line with market needs and the expectations of young people
Two students who attended BePOSITIVE 2021, shared their experiences at the trade show and the professional opportunities it provided.
Thierry-Joel was then a student doing a specialised master’s degree in Sustainable Construction. The trade show “enabled me to discuss things with seasoned professionals in the discipline and to get feedback on my experiences, which reassured me about my choice of direction". He now works at Arcadis, in the environmental audit section.
In 2021, Thomas was on a work-study contract in an energy design office. He was able to develop his skills and prospects through contact with the professionals at the trade show. Since September, he has been pursuing a master’s degree in Intelligent Buildings and Energy Efficiency in Paris.
GL events Exhibitions Opérations
With 200 events organized worldwide for professionals and the general public, GL events Exhibitions Opérations has unequalled expertise in organizing exhibitions and trade shows—a business that must stay abreast of increasingly specialized marketing, communication and organizational techniques while retaining close ties with market players. The BePOSITIVE exhibition is organized by the Green-tech+ division of GL events, which also manages eight other major gatherings: Eurobois, Expobiogaz, HyVolution, Horizonia, Open Energies, Paysalia, Piscine Global Europe, Rocalia.
GreenTech+ is the newest division of the GL events group, providing a unique shop window born from the synergy of gatherings that touch on common themes of ecological innovation and sustainable development.
GL events created GreenTech+ to take up a full-time, active part in the world’s big environmental issues, with a format unique in its genre that builds bridges between the sectors of the future and maximizes their visibility.
GreenTech+ is an accelerator committed to accompanying the sector’s stakeholders in their developments and in their search for the solutions of tomorrow, while instilling an ever-greater eco-awareness among our citizens.