Interactive Map
Access the interactive map on BEPOSITIVE Connect to prepare for your exhibition!
Access the map!
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Discover the Interactive map
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Access the map
You must be registered for the trade show to access it.
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Find the interactive map for free on bepositive connect!

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Already registered for the trade show?
Download the app via Google Play or the App Store, or visit the webapp
Enter your registration email to receive the magic link
Create your password and access the map
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I Register for the trade show to log in
Pre-register for the trade show to access BEPOSITIVE Connect
Download the app, enter your registration email, and create your password
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Need help logging in?
Choose the exhibitors and conferences you want to explore and let yourself be guided by the suggested route!
Easily access the exhibitors's profile, add it to your favorites, and make an appointment!
Locate the services offered by the trade show and the various activity areas!